My reflections, comments and conclusions on current topics
October 9, 2018
• Almost everyone has their favorite thinkers or idols. They can be great heroes or saints. In the homes of many Poles, I saw a portrait of Pope John Paul II. I remember the elementary school that I attended during communism. In our classrooms, on the front wall, there were portraits of Gomułka, Cyrankiewicz and Spychalski. Of course, none of us regarded these people as great. • Recently, in the TV game “Millionaires”, the question was asked for half a million zlotys: “If anyone does not hate his father, mother, wife, children, brothers and sisters, and even himself, he cannot [...]Read More
October 6, 2018
A Christian marriage in Canada published in the local Polish press the following advertisement: “Jesus is the answer to all your problems”. Then, after a year or two, it broke up; they took a divorce. They had three little children, a boy and two girls at the time. They did not live together for 25 years. After the divorce, the children lived with their mother and aunt; the father could only see them from time to time. But time does its job – the children grew up, left home and started their own independent life. And only then, after so [...]Read More
September 28, 2018
I recommend a movie called “The Life of Jesus: Is the description in the New Testament false?”: It has an interesting commentary: “About 25 years after the death of Jesus, the religious movement initiated by him split. Both factions had a completely different view of their leader, his identity, his message and vision. In the struggle for the “government of souls”, the party led by Saint Paul turned out to be the winner. It is precisely this party that presented the Gospels of the New Testament, their own version of Jesus’ life. The latter, however, went into shadow, leaving [...]Read More
September 20, 2018
The text which in 1928 was published by the American magazine “Century”. The author is the Jew Marcus Eli Ravage: “You have not even begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your world, your ideal, your destiny, and played havoc with them: We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war, but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal [...]Read More
September 18, 2018
Some notable thoughts: • Michael Wood says: “Christian god gave his blood to redeem mankind. But in Aztec religion mankind must give its blood to redeem gods. • The Gospels are the texts full of miracles. And from a historical point of view, they are themselves a great miracle. • Yahweh rescued three Jews from a fiery furnace lit by the King Nebuchadnezzar, but he could not save three million Jews from crematorium furnaces. And such a God is still the hope of the Jews … • In the days of Jesus, slavery flourished everywhere, but he did not even [...]Read More
September 17, 2018
I remember a certain speech by Billy Graham at a large stadium in a big American city that I watched on Canadian television. I do not remember the name of this city and the exact date, I only know that it was somewhere around 1992. This famous preacher said: “The whole world, everything in it, even life in a drop of water, was created by Jesus.” Saying this, he pointed to the New Testament passage in the Epistle to Hebrews, which reads: “And, you, Lord, in the beginning have laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the [...]Read More
September 4, 2018
Recently, I have found on the web a really noteworthy film “Sons of God”: Narratorami są naukowcy i pisarze. Oto niektóre ich wypowiedzi, które uważam za godne uwagi: • The narrators are scientists and writers. Here are some of their statements that I think are remarkable: • The Egyptians believed that man is a fallen god who remembers heaven. • Plato said that we on this earth only see the shadows of real reality. And on the basis of these shadows moving across the wall, we are not able to reproduce the image of God. So we have so [...]Read More
August 23, 2018
• Many people become sectarians, bigots, fanatics mostly because they do not know the context of their culture and / or religion. In order to be able to better assess the quality of your culture and religion, you need to know its context. But many people do not even try to do it. They are often mistaken in the belief that their faith is the best. They assess themselves, their country, their culture, their religion, their worldview, in isolation from others and not in the context of others. The film “The Story of God” made by Morgan Freeman and film [...]Read More
August 16, 2018
• In yesterday’s TV news broadcast from Poland, a politician said ‘Children is an investment in the future’ … and ‘The child is not a cost, it’s an investment’. I did not like it at all. We see from what perspective people with a capitalist mentality view everything. It seems that the Poles got infected with a certain illness from the crazy President Trump, who does not know and does not want to know political realities and as a businessman evaluates everything and everyone in terms of “profitability”. Moreover, once again the Muslims were shown in the worst possible way [...]Read More
August 10, 2018
A sad story of the Beatles – the best band in the history of rock music. The Beatles, who had the chance to revolutionize the world, conquer the hearts of the young generation, turned out to be the liars. Buddha did not ask if God exists, but he taught how to live regardless of whether or not he exists. And this is a completely new idea. Joseph Campbell says “Fundamentalists say:” God is a fact, He loves Jews more than any other nation. Who will believe such nonsense? They subconsciously know that this is not true, but they try [...]Read More