A Christian marriage in Canada published in the local Polish press the following advertisement: “Jesus is the answer to all your problems”. Then, after a year or two, it broke up; they took a divorce. They had three little children, a boy and two girls at the time. They did not live together for 25 years. After the divorce, the children lived with their mother and aunt; the father could only see them from time to time. But time does its job – the children grew up, left home and started their own independent life. And only then, after so many years, the parents got reconciled again and lived together. It does happen in life sometimes.

In fact, there would be nothing special about it, if it were not for the fact that these people, especially this woman, have a habit of mingling God into such matters. They took (attention!) for the second time a church wedding. She claims that it was God who came up with the idea to reconcile her with her husband. When the children were little and needed both parents, it somehow did not occur to God.

Moreover, she continues to say that Jesus is the answer to all her problems, despite the fact that she had a broken family for a quarter of a century; and she continues to preach around that it is necessary to build life on this rock which is Jesus, even though this rock turned out to be a sand for them. What’s more, she says that Satan is under her feet, and the Bible is so credible and reliable to her that even if it was written in it that it was Jonah who swallowed the whale, not the other way around, she still would have believed it. Not only does she profess such views, but even shares them with others, as a testimony of her faith.

So we see how religion can blind people, distort their views, even those about God. Can such person be considered normal? What do you think about it?!
